How to Prevent Puddles on Asphalt Parking Lots

Allied Asphalt is a Southeastern Michigan asphalt specialist when it comes to residential and commercial asphalt paving and asphalt repairs and maintenance in Southeast Michigan.
How to Prevent Puddles on Asphalt Parking Lots Clarkston, MI

There shouldn’t be any standing water in your parking lot, especially when it’s been a few days since the last rain. Our experienced Southeastern MI asphalt contractors are waiting to help you prevent issues with your parking lot. Standing water can be a big problem so don't wait, contact us today!

If you notice standing water in your asphalt parking lot, this could be a sign of structural damage that needs repairs. Our asphalt contractors can help you find the best solution for your parking lot and take the necessary precautions to prevent standing water.

In the meantime, here are 4 things you can do to prevent puddles on an asphalt parking lot.

1. Ensure Your Parking Lot is Sloped

Your asphalt parking lot should be sloped between 1.5% and 3% while the shoulders require a slope between 3% and 6%. The gentle slope of your asphalt parking lot is designed to prevent water from pooling in the middle and allow it to run down naturally.

Asphalt parking lots in Michigan benefit greatly from being sloped because of the level of precipitation and snowmelt throughout the year. Our team has years of experience with the process of making sure a parking lot is sloped so you’re in good hands if you call us for your next project.

2. Avoid Parking Heavy Machinery or Vehicles

Your parking lot was designed to carry weight within a specified range. If your asphalt parking lot was engineered to only support passenger vehicles, you should avoid having heavy machinery or vehicles park for long periods of time on your asphalt parking lot.

Did you know that it’s more damaging to have heavy vehicles sit on your pavement than it is to just have them drive? Over time, the extra weight will sink into the surface of your parking lot and make indentations. For example, if a truck is parked for several days on your asphalt parking lot, you may be able to match up the indentations to each individual tire.

Learn MoreHow to Close Your Parking Lot for Asphalt Paving

Water will always flow to the lowest point in your asphalt parking lot. If heavy vehicles or trucks have depressed the asphalt surface, the water will pool there after it rains. To prevent future ponding, hire our contractors for asphalt parking lot repair.

3. Install Proper Drainage

The best way to prevent water from puddling in the first place is to hire a reputable asphalt contractor, like ours, to install proper parking lot drainage. In addition to making sure your parking lot has the right slope and grade, we will make sure drains are strategically placed to collect water runoff. Our team of professionals are trained to detect where potential draining problems may occur in your parking lot.

Preventing water damage is important because it extends the life of your asphalt parking lot. When water is allowed to seep into the foundation, it creates structural issues within your asphalt. A deteriorating asphalt parking lot is likely to develop more impressions where water will collect. A flooded parking lot increases the likelihood of you needing to repair asphalt cracks and potholes.

4. Remember That Flooding Can Happen Year-Round

Keep in mind that flooding can happen year-round. For example, it’s not uncommon for the snowpack to melt several times over the course of the winter when it’s unseasonably warm. When this happens, you may have standing water in your parking lot in the middle of January.

If you notice large potholes or sunken pavement in your parking lot, call us as soon as possible. The sooner you act, the sooner you’ll be able to prevent irreparable damage to your asphalt parking lot. Over time, standing water will seep into the foundation of your asphalt parking lot and damage it beyond repair.

Call Allied Construction Today!

Our asphalt contractors in Southeastern Michigan work hard to earn your business by providing a wide range of services like asphalt patch and pothole repair. We are proud to serve Clarkston, Brighton/Howell, Milford, Lapeer, and surrounding areas. To request a free estimate for asphalt repair, call one of our Allied Construction locations today.

This blog post has been updated.